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TO: Active Members, District 10

RE: Director Vacancy

RESPOND TO: with copy to

There is a vacancy on the Paralegal Division Board of Directors for District 10 (Chambers, Grimes, Hardin, Jasper, Jefferson, Liberty, Montgomery, Newton, Orange, Polk, San Jacinto, Tyler, and Walker) for the balance of the 2022-2024 term that began June 2022; the two-year term ends in June 2024. See Director Duties HERE.

The Paralegal Division Bylaws, Article III, Section 9(c) provide:

“When a Director’s office becomes vacant, the Active membership of the District so affected shall be promptly notified of the same. Absent a Director-Elect who shall immediately fill such office, the Board shall appoint, by majority vote, a replacement from among the active membership of the Division in the District wherein the vacancy occurred, who shall serve the remainder of the term of office in which the vacancy occurred.”

By this email letter, you are so notified. The President of the Paralegal Division requests any ACTIVE (voting member) member who is interested in fulfilling the remaining 2022-2024 two-year term, to submit a resume (including years of experience as a paralegal, and any previous leadership experience, etc.) to the emails listed above no later than August 21, 2023.

Additionally, if you know of someone you feel would be a good candidate, please let me know and I will contact that individual. Please feel free to let me know should you have questions, concerns, or suggestions regarding the Paralegal Division or your District.


Joncilee Miller
President 2023-2024
Paralegal Division, State Bar of Texas

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