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Dear District 12 Members:

A more formal announcement will follow, but congratulations are in order, your very own Lisa Pittman has been elected by the Paralegal Division Board of Directors to serve as the 2021-2022 President-Elect!

Due to your District 12 Director, Lisa Pittman’s election to the position of President-Elect, a new Director will be need to be elected to represent District 12 at board meetings and other functions within the State Bar of Texas Paralegal Division.  It is important to have someone represent you regarding your concerns and opinions as it relates to your district.

The Paralegal Division’s DIRECTOR ELECTION for District Directors in odd-numbered districts (Districts 1, 3, 5, 7, 11, and 15) and Special Election for District 12  will take place March 25 through April 12, 2021.

• Beginning on January 25, 2021 each Elections Subcommittee Chair will prepare and forward, upon request, the following materials to potential candidates for director in their respective district at any time during the nominating period:

a.         A copy of the List of Registered Voters in candidates’ respective district;
b.         A sample nominating petition; and
c.         A copy of Rule VI of the Standing Rules entitled “Guidelines for Campaigns for Candidates as Director.” 

• Each potential candidate must satisfy the following requirements:   

a.         Eligibility Requirements. The candidate must satisfy the eligibility requirements of Article III, Section 3 and Article IX, Section 1 A and Section 4 of the Bylaws and Rule V B, Section 5c
of the Standing Rules.
b.         Declaration of Intent. The candidate must make a declaration of intent to run as a candidate for the office of director through an original nominating petition declaring such intent that is
filed with the Elections Subcommittee Chair in the candidate’s district pursuant to Rule V B, Section 5 of the Standing Rules.
c.         Nominating Petition. The original nominating petition must be signed by the appropriate number of registered voters and must be submitted to the Elections Subcommittee Chair in such
district, on or before March 5, 2021.

If you are interested in running for District Director, or need further information regarding the election process, contact the Elections Committee the Elections Chair, Melanie Langford, ACP at  Do not let your District go unrepresented!

If you are interested in running for District 12 Director, or need further information regarding the election process, contact the Elections Chair, Melanie Langford, ACP at

NOTICE OF VOTING— March 25 through April 12, 2021.

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