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Dear Former PD Member:

If you are a former member, we want you back!  If you have been on the fence about joining, there is no better time.

Starting December 1 and going through February 25 the Paralegal Division will offer pro-rated membership dues.  This means that you can join the Paralegal Division for half price!  Your membership will go through May 31, 2024!

So, join right away for up to six months of members benefits for half the price.   You can join by going here.

If joining as an Active or Associate member you must complete six (6) hours of substantive continuing legal education, at least one (1) hour of which must be legal ethics, by May 31, 2024 in order to renew your membership.

You received this email as a privilege of your membership in the Paralegal Division of the State Bar of Texas.  You may unsubscribe/opt-out of future eBlasts by logging onto your account and editing your directory profile.

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