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The Texas Paralegal Journal Digital!

The Paralegal Division of the State Bar of Texas digital Texas Paralegal Journal (TPJ) is available!

Please take the time to review the digital TPJ!

It offers direct links to the websites of advertising vendors and other websites in the magazine

This issue of the TPJ includes important information about:


Healthy Habits to Support your Journey of Well-Being
“CERTIFIED” – Confusion:  Knowing the Differences between CertiFIED and CertiFICATE
Paralegal’s Pet Peeves – Working With Attorneys


Recognition PD Members who Received Awards

Recognition of 2022-2023 Board and Committee Chairs

A Message from Lisa Pittman, 2022-2023 President


A Message from Joncilee Miller, 2023-2024 President

Introduction of your 2023-2024 Board of Directors and Committee Chairs

TAPS 2023


Capitol Services
Hollerbach & Associates, Inc.
The National Academy of Distinguished Neutrals
National Federation of Paralegal Associations (NFPA)


You can review the magazine here.

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