Online Membership Renewal
Membership Renewal Prices
Membership Type |
Renewal |
Active |
$75 |
Associate |
$75 |
Emeritus |
$50 |
Student |
$35 |
Subscribing |
$100 |
Sustaining |
$225 |
Renewal Instructions
Renewal of an existing membership in the Paralegal Division must be completed online. Here are the guidelines:
- This online process only supports renewals of existing, non-lapsed memberships. New and lapsed members must apply using our online membership application process.
- Payments for renewals can be by check or money order (made payable to the Paralegal Division) or by credit card using an American Express, Visa, or Master Card. If paying by check or money order, mail payment to Paralegal Division, P. O. Box 19163, Amarillo, TX 79114. All payments made by check or money order will be assessed a $5.00 handling fee. Payments are non-refundable.
- Other than the two exceptions that follow, you cannot use the online process to change your membership status. To change to any other type, you must complete a new current membership application. See the Membership Criteria page for information on all membership types. The exceptions are:
- Active members no longer working as a paralegal can change from Active to Emeritus
- Associate members who now have at least one year experience working as a paralegal and perform 80% substantive legal work can change from Associate to Active if the other criteria for Active membership are met.
- Online renewal is available from May 1, 2025 until midnight (Central), July 31, 2025.
- Your profile information seen on this site is controlled by your account with the State Bar of Texas. This renewal process does NOT update your profile with the State Bar of Texas. If your name, address, etc. have changed, you should follow the instructions found here after completing your renewal.
- Active and Associate members must:
- Provide your supervising attorney’s bar number during the renewal process. Please have it available before beginning the renewal process.
- Document Substantive CLE Activity—The renewal process uses the data contained in your online CLE records for renewal documentation.
- To be eligible for the current renewal cycle, the CLE must have been completed by May 31 of the current year, even if you are renewing during the July 1-31 grace period.
- You must have completed at least 6 hours of formal CLE unless you are claiming pro bono and/or self-study activities. You can claim up to 2 hours of pro bono service and/or self-study during the renewal process.
- As of 2018, you have to certify that at least 1 hour of the CLE hours claimed is in Ethics. This requirement cannot be met via Pro Bono service or self-study.
- CLE requirements are documented here.
- Pursuant to the Standing Rules of the Paralegal Division, if convicted of a felony offense (deferred or not), or a misdemeanor involving moral turpitude, a renewing member is ineligible for membership in the Paralegal Division.
Online Renewal
Click the button below to begin your renewal. By renewing your PD membership, you agree to abide by the provisions of the PD Bylaws, Standing Rules, and Code of Ethics and Professional Responsibility.
Warning: You may encounter problems with selecting your CLE hours if you are using certain odd combinations of Apple’s IOS operating systems and the Safari browser. You cannot use the Microsoft Internet Explorer browser to renew. We have had no reported problems with Chrome and Firefox for Apple’s IOS operating systems or any Windows browsers except Internet Explorer.
You cannot use a cellphone or tablet to renew as an Active or Associate member.