Texas Paralegal Journal Ad Space Annual 4 Pack Ad Sale – Limited Time

Visit our 2021 TPJ Advertisements page to see it in action. This 4 Pack Ad rate is only available for a limited time, so do not miss out.

As a Sustaining Member of the Paralegal Division your discount is event better!  You will get 10% off the already reduced cost per ad when purchasing the 4 Pack!  Be sure to log-in prior to purchasing your ad to get all the appropriate discounts!  Once you are on the TPJ sales page you’ll see the information about the ad space and the rates.

Remember our quarterly Texas Paralegal Journal is sent to our entire membership and is also available in the TPJ Archives on our website, so your ad can be viewed by anyone visiting our website.

For any questions, contact:  Rhonda Brashears, PD Coordinator – pd@txpd.org

Notice of Voting – March 23 through April 10, 2023 – Odd Numbered Districts and District 4

NOTICE OF VOTING— March 23 through April 10, 2023

All Active members of the Paralegal Division in good standing as of March 23, 2023 are eligible to vote. All voting must be completed on or before 11:59 p.m., April 10, 2023.

All voting will be on-line and no ballots will be mailed to members.

Please take a few minutes to logon to the PD’s website (beginning March 23) and cast your vote for your district’s director. The process is fast, easy, anonymous, and secure.

• Between March 23 and April 10, 2023 go to www.txpd.org

• In the MyAccount section, click on “Vote”

• Follow the instructions to login a

Join the Paralegal Division for 1/2 price!

Have you been thinking about joining the Paralegal Division?  Well, through February 25, 2024 you can join for 1/2 price:  https://txpd.org/membership/new-member-application/

There is no better time to join!

Members joining between December 1 and February 25 (Pro-Rated Time Period) join the Division for half price and will be members through the end of the membership year, which is May 31.  Active and Associate members will be required to obtain the mandatory CLE hours for renewal, 6 hours of CLE, 1 of which must be legal ethics.  Two of the six hours can be satisfied with self-study or pro-bono, neither of which can replace the legal ethics requirement.  So, depending on when you join you will have between 3 and 6 months to complete your CLE requirements for renewal.

2023 Exceptional Pro-Bono Service Award Nominations are Open

The Paralegal Division (PD) of the State Bar of Texas is proud to sponsor an Exceptional Pro Bono Service Award.  Its purpose is to promote the awareness of pro bono activities such as those defined by the State Bar of Texas, and to encourage PD members to volunteer their time and specialty skills to pro bono projects within their community by recognizing a PD member who demonstrates exceptional dedication to pro bono service.  Paralegals are invited to foster the development of pro bono projects, to provide assistance to established pro bono programs, and work closely with attorneys to provide unmet legal services to people with low incomes. This annual award will go to an individual PD member, who performed the pro bono service(s) in the State of Texas, and has volunteered his or her time and special skills in providing uncompensated services in pro bono assistance to their community.  The recipient of the award will be announced at the Paralegal Division Annual Meeting Luncheon, his/her expenses to attend the Annual Meeting Luncheon will be incurred by the Division, and a profile of the individual will be published in the Winter issue of the Texas Paralegal Journal.

The nomination form can be found here:  2023 Exceptional_Pro_Bono_Award_Nomination_Form


New TBLS Helpful Hints Guide Available/New Testing Dates

All PD Members can find the revised TBLS Helpful Hints Guide under the My Account Section of the Website.  Just click and it will take you to the Guide, as well as a Job Description for each area of law.  Take a look now!!  If you have not yet sat for an exam, you should take a look at the Guide before you ever make application as there are hints through every step of the application process, as well as studying for the exam, and then actually taking the exam.  It is a must-have tool!  For questions, email tblshh@txpd.org

The Texas Board of Legal Specialization has rescheduled the 2020 exams to March 20, 2021 – remote testing only.  Applicants who are unable to take their exam via remote testing will be eligible to sit for exams in person in November.  TBLS is issuing details to all of the applicants eligible for the upcoming exams, so please contact them directly for further information.  TBLS hopes to start accepting applications for the 2021 exams in either May or June.  See the TBLS Website for further details:  www.tbls-bcp.org


Notice of 2024 – Even Numbered District Director Elections

The Paralegal Division’s DIRECTOR ELECTION for District Directors in even-numbered districts (Districts 2, 4, 10, 12, 14 and 16) will take place March 21 through April 8, 2024.

  • Beginning on January 29, 2024 each Elections Subcommittee Chair will prepare and forward, upon request, the following materials to potential candidates for director in their respective district at any time during the nominating period:
  1. A copy of the List of Registered Voters in candidates’ respective district;
  2. A sample nominating petition; and
  3. A copy of Rule VI of the Standing Rules entitled “Guidelines for Campaigns for Candidates as Director.”
  • Each potential candidate must satisfy the following requirements:
  1. Eligibility Requirements. The candidate must satisfy the eligibility requirements of Article III, Section 3 and Article IX, Section 1 A and Section 4 of the Bylaws and Rule V B, Section 5c of the Standing Rules.
  2. Declaration of Intent. The candidate must make a declaration of intent to run as a candidate for the office of director through an original nominating petition declaring such intent that is filed with the Elections Subcommittee Chair in the candidate’s district pursuant to Rule V B, Section 5 of the Standing Rules.
  3. Nominating Petition. The original nominating petition must be signed by the appropriate number of registered voters and must be submitted to the Elections Subcommittee Chair in such district, on or before February 16, 2024.

If you are interested in running for District Director, or need further information regarding the election process, contact the Elections Committee Sub-Chair in your District, or the Elections Chair, Melanie Langford, ACP at Elections@txpd.org.

2023-2024 District Election Committee Sub-Chairs:

District 2 – LaNae Collins – shortnez89@yahoo.com

District 4 – Melanie Langford – elections@txpd.org

District 10 – Melanie Langford – elections@txpd.org

District 12 – Renita Murphy – rmurphy@hbwvlaw.com

District 14 – Ashlea Fogle – afogle@sloanfirm.com

District 16 – Melanie Langford – elections@txpd.org

NOTICE OF VOTING— March 21 through April 8, 2024

All Active members of the Paralegal Division in good standing as of March 21, 2024 are eligible to vote. All voting must be completed on or before 11:59 p.m., April 8, 2024.


Notice of Nominations/Election of President-Elect

Pursuant to Standing Rule XIV of the Paralegal Division of the State Bar of Texas, notice is hereby given of an election for the office of 2024-2025 President-Elect.  This election will be held by electronic mail during the month of January 2024 by the Board of Directors.

Qualifications for serving as President-Elect of the Paralegal Division are contained in Standing Rules XIV as follows:



    1. Any current or past Director who is currently an active member of the Division and who has completed at a minimum a full term (two (2) consecutive years) as Director is eligible to be elected as President or President-Elect.

Any qualified individual who is interested in running for office of President-Elect should forward a one-page resume, together with a letter of intent to run, to the nominations committee chair at the following address or electronic mail address TO BE RECEIVED NO LATER THAN JANUARY 15, 2024 and a confirmation e-mail will be sent by January 17, 2024

Heather Ulliman
Chair, President-Elect Nomination Committee
GoransonBain Ausley, PLLC
8350 N Central Expy, Ste 1700
Dallas, TX 75206-1613
Telephone: (214) 373-7676

 Note:  In the event the Board of Directors of the Paralegal Division elects an individual who is currently serving as a Director, a vacancy will be declared in the district in which that individual serves.  An election will be held to replace the outgoing Director (President-Elect) at the time the elections for the Board of Directors are regularly scheduled.