As a paralegal, I have an opportunity to obtain CLE through listening to a CD with audio presentations. Attorneys from the company I work can receive CLE credit after listening to a CD with the audio presentations. Is this an option for paralegals who are members of the Paralegal Division to obtain as CLE credit to renew their membership in the Paralegal Division?

If the CLE is approved by the MCLE Department of the State Bar, you may purchase the audio CLE and listen for whatever credit is offered.  If a member of the Paralegal Division takes a course that is accredited by the MCLE Department of the State Bar and records their membership number, their attendance will be reported electronically to MCLE the following Monday.  All courses found at with 9-digit MCLE course numbers, regardless of format, are approved.

In addition, many of the Paralegal Division’s Online CLE  at are recorded to be downloaded as audio podcast and the Paralegal Division allows one hour CLE credit for each topic.  If you register for an audio CLE and receive a Certificate of Attendance, you may claim as CLE.  If you listen to a substantive legal CLE audio tape and have not registered for the CLE, you may claim as self-study.  To determine if a CLE is accepted as credit to renew membership in the Paralegal Division, view HERE.