The Division has adopted a Standing Rule governing the CLE that meets the Division’s requirements. CLE sponsors may refer to this rule for guidance in developing continuing legal education events:
a. The Division will accept substantive law CLE presented or approved by the MCLE Department of the State Bar of Texas, the Texas Board of Legal Specialization, the National Association of Legal Assistants, the National Federation of Paralegal Associations, and/or presented by the Paralegal Division, local bar associations, paralegal associations, or law firms for credit towards the Division mandatory CLE requirement.
b. If the CLE course is not accredited by any of the above-referenced groups, the Division will accept a seminar, if it is a substantive law course offered by a qualified presenter, that would qualify for approval if submitted to one of the above organizations. Substantive Law Course means an organized program of legal education dealing with:
i. substantive or procedural subjects of law
ii. legal skills and techniques
iii. legal ethics and/or legal professional responsibility or
iv. alternative dispute resolution. Additionally, law office management programs accredited by the State Bar of Texas will be accepted. A Qualified Presenter means an attorney, judge, or legal assistant/paralegal who is familiar with the topic presented, or an expert in the particular subject matter comprising the course.
c. Speaking and writing credit will be considered for approval under the same criteria as (a) and (b) above.