What are MCLE approved CLE courses?

MCLE approved courses are those courses approved by the MCLE Department of the State Bar of Texas. To be approved for MCLE credit the course must be targeted primarily to attorneys however, paralegals may attend these seminars to obtain continuing legal education. In addition, the seminars must be substantive legal educational topics to be approved for MCLE credit. The Paralegal Division may sponsor a few CLE courses which are marketed to attorneys and paralegals for which MCLE credit has been requested and approved by the MCLE Department of the State Bar of Texas, but not all Paralegal Division courses are MCLE approved.

Since paralegals may also attend MCLE approved courses they too can receive the same CLE credit which attorneys receive. If the paralegal turns in the completed scantron form to the State Bar of Texas MCLE staff onsite at the seminar, then the MCLE staff records their attendance at the CLE course by entering that information into the State Bar of Texas computer system.

You will only receive MCLE approved CLE credits if you have attended one of those courses and turned in the scantron form. If you do not know if the course is MCLE approved, please contact the sponsor of the seminar. All CLE events (including some of those sponsored by the Paralegal Division) approved by the MCLE Department will have the scantron cards available at the seminar.