What do I do if I did not meet the CLE requirements for renewal?

You cannot renew as an Active or Associate member if you didn’t obtain 6 hours of substantive continuing legal education, at least 1 hour of which must be legal ethics, by May 31, 2025.  Members are allowed to substitute up to 2 hours of self-study or pro bono service in order to satisfy the 6-hour requirement.  The ethics requirement cannot be met via self-study.  All CLE hours claimed are subject to audit, so ensure you retain documentation of your CLE activities.

This not uncommon and can easily be remedied.  Here are the steps:

  1. Since you can’t renew as an Active or Associate member, you’ll need to reapply after you’ve completed enough additional hours to meet the CLE requirements. The CLE requirements to reapply (within 12 months of your last membership) are the same as discussed above except the May 31 deadline is waived.
  2. Complete your CLE hours and document them via the My Account > Manage My CLE Records link.
  3. Ensure you are logged on using your bar number as your user ID and your current password.
  4. On the main site menu, go to Membership > Applications to complete your reapplication.  Be sure you are logged on so that your reapplication is tied to your existing account and bar number.