Online Membership Renewal

Membership Renewal Prices

Membership Type Renewal
Active $75
Associate $75
Emeritus $50
Student $35
Subscribing $100
Sustaining $225

Renewal Instructions

Renewal of an existing membership in the Paralegal Division must be completed online.  Here are the guidelines:

Online Renewal

Click the button below to begin your renewal.  By renewing your PD membership, you agree to abide by the provisions of the PD Bylaws, Standing Rules, and Code of Ethics and Professional Responsibility.

Warning:  You may encounter problems with selecting your CLE hours if you are using certain odd combinations of Apple’s IOS operating systems and the Safari browser.  You cannot use the Microsoft Internet Explorer browser to renew.  We have had no reported problems with Chrome and Firefox for Apple’s IOS operating systems or any Windows browsers except Internet Explorer.

You cannot use a cellphone or tablet to renew as an Active or Associate member.

Begin Renewal Process