We provide the links below to external websites as a service to our members and other Internet users. These sites are not under the control of the Paralegal Division and using these links is at your own risk. We make no warranty or guarantee concerning the accuracy or reliability of the content at this site or at other sites to which we link. The Paralegal Division shall not incur any liability related to your use of these links.

Name Description
Capital Area Paralegal Association

A professional association for paralegals and legal assistants in Austin, Texas, and surrounding areas.

Center for Advanced Legal Studies
Central Intelligence Agency

The Central Intelligence Agency was created in 19Research with the signing of the National Security Act by President Truman. The National Security Act charged the Director of Central Intelligence (DCI) with coordinating the nation's intelligence act

Chemical Health & Safety Data

Toxicity and Safety data on chemicals of every stripe. Sponsored by the National Institute of Environmental Health Services.

Consumer Product Safety Commission

The US Consumer Product safety Commission shares recall info. And publications. This site is especially good for toy safety advisories.

Cornell Citation Manual

Introduction to Basic Legal Citation (LII 2002-2003 ed.)
by Peter W. Martin

County Offices

CountyOffices.org is an internet database of county government offices in the United States. Use our site to locate Your county assessor, board of elections, chamber of commerce, child support offices, courts, clerk, district attorney, etc.

Dallas Area Paralegal Association

Dallas Area Paralegal Association

Declaration of Independence
Delphion Research

When you have access to patent data, you have... A source of knowledge that can help you increase competitive intelligence, protect and develop markets, and generate new revenue streams. Delphion Research gives you that access, with patent data from 70