We provide the links below to external websites as a service to our members and other Internet users. These sites are not under the control of the Paralegal Division and using these links is at your own risk. We make no warranty or guarantee concerning the accuracy or reliability of the content at this site or at other sites to which we link. The Paralegal Division shall not incur any liability related to your use of these links.

Name Description

Medscape offers free access to Medline, Toxline and Merriam-Webster's Medical Desk Dictionary, as well as tens of thousands of full-text articles covering a range of medical specialities. An excellent, fast-growing and easy-to-use resource. Think of it as

Merck Manual

Although the latest (16th) edition is circa 1992 and accordingly a bit long-in-the-tooth in some areas, the Merck Manual is the best all-around medical reference source out there. Thank you Merck & Co. Can't wait until 17th edition next year!


Resources for Patients and Their Families regarding Mesothelioma.

Missing Persons Resource Center

Articles and book descriptions on professional methods.

NALS…the association for legal professionals
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)

Since its inception in 1958, NASA has accomplished many great scientific and technological feats in air and space. NASA technology also has been adapted for many non-aerospace uses by the private sector. NASA remains a leading force in scientific research

National Association of Investigative Specialists

A fascinating conglomeration of investigative resources, spy equipment, skip trace resources, P.I. publications, etc.

National Association of Legal Assistants

National Association of Legal Assistants is the leading professional, national association for legal assistants and paralegals, providing continuing education and professional development programs. Incorporated in 1975, NALA is an integral part of the leg

National Federation of Paralegal Associations

NFPA has launched a great site, bursting with links to many paralegal-specific information areas. Pages are devoted to career planning, ethics, calendar of seminars and events, legal resources, a legal support service directory, and a paralegal directory

National Notary Association

The non-profit National Notary Association is Products Liability years old and with 178,000 members nationwide. Of special note is our informational hotline with counselors to answer Notary questions. Also, we publish a variety of printed materials, among