You cannot renew as an Active or Associate member if you didn’t obtain 6 hours of substantive continuing legal education, at least 1 hour of which must be legal ethics, by May 31, 2025. Members are allowed to substitute up to 2 hours of self-study or pro bono service in order to satisfy the 6-hour requirement. The ethics requirement cannot be met via self-study. All CLE hours claimed are subject to audit, so ensure you retain documentation of your CLE activities.
This not uncommon and can easily be remedied. Here are the steps:
- Since you can’t renew as an Active or Associate member, you’ll need to reapply after you’ve completed enough additional hours to meet the CLE requirements. The CLE requirements to reapply (within 12 months of your last membership) are the same as discussed above except the May 31 deadline is waived.
- Complete your CLE hours and document them via the My Account > Manage My CLE Records link.
- Ensure you are logged on using your bar number as your user ID and your current password.
- On the main site menu, go to Membership > Applications to complete your reapplication. Be sure you are logged on so that your reapplication is tied to your existing account and bar number.
The Paralegal Division’s annual renewal process is only available May 1 – July 31. Memberships that aren’t renewed during this period are automatically converted to be Former Members in mid-August after the State Bar confirms the active roster resulting from the annual renewals.
If you failed to renew but want to continue your membership, you can reapply as a new member. Be sure to log on ( using your bar number and current password. Then go to the new member application page ( to begin your application. Be sure to click Yes on the “Are you a former member?” question. If you are/were an Active or Associate member in the past 12 months AND are reapplying as Active or Associate, you will have to provide your CLE information as part of your application.
The membership renewal process is completely online and begins May 1. Log onto the My Account page and click Renew Online.
As a current member of the Paralegal Division, if your account email and mailing address are accurate, you should receive a reminder post-card and begin receiving eBlasts about the membership renewal process in early May. Membership renewals open on May 1 and are open through July 31.
If you do not receive the post-card or eBlasts regarding renewals, verify that your profile is up to date via the edit profile link on the My Account page.
If you are a new Active member you will receive a Membership Certificate within a few weeks after your membership is approved and processed. Membership Certificates are processed bi-monthly, so be watching for yours to arrive at your preferred mailing address.
According the Standing Rules of the Paralegal Division, you must re-apply for membership using the current membership application. The Standing Rules of the Paralegal Division provision states:
Amended April 1986, April 1993, February 2000, February 2004, October 2004, June 2005, November 2006, March 2007, February 2008, June 2008, November 2008, February 2013
2. Any member who has not filed a renewal application and paid the appropriate fee on or before July 31 of the calendar year in which such membership expired shall be deleted from the membership rolls of the Division. Reinstatement will require the submission of a new application in accordance with the requirements then in effect, except at the discretion of the Board. Any applicant who has been an Active or Associate member within the previous twelve (12) months, and is re-applying for membership must show proof of completion of six (6) CLE hours in order to be eligible for Active or Associate membership status.
However, if you feel your case is unique, you have the option to appeal to the Board of Directors. A list of directors can be found via the CONTACT menu above.
Paralegal Division members no longer have to contact the State Bar of Texas to update a member profile. All updates can be made via the edit profile link on the My Account page. Updates are effective immediately on this site and are forwarded weekly to SBOT.
After your name change is complete, you can order a replacement bar card via the Bar Card Replacement link on the My Account page.
New bar cards are no longer issued annually. 2017-2018 was the final year for the distribution of renewal membership cards. Hang on to your traditional burgundy PD card and proudly carry it with you. If your card needs replacing due to loss, damage, or name change, you can order a replacement via the My Account page.
As long as you have worked as a paralegal performing at least 80% substantive paralegal duties for total of one year, and have met the other educational and/certification criteria, you may complete the Active membership application. When completing the form, you should list the information for the attorney for whom the most work was done during the past 6 months.
The reason you cannot log into the private area of our website at this time is because it takes approximately two weeks from the day your membership is entered into the Membership database to have the file downloaded from the State Bar of Texas website database and uploaded to the Paralegal Division’s website.
The State Bar of Texas Membership Roster is not directly connected to the Division’s website. Each Sunday, the State Bar’s computer program automatically creates a current list of the Division members. Each Monday, the Division is allowed to access the State Bar’s info and download all of the current members in a format to be placed on the Division’s website. Please check back on Tuesday of the following week for access.
2017-2018 was the final year for the distribution of renewal membership cards. Hang on to your burgundy PD card and proudly carry it with you. If you need a replacement card, you can order it via the My Account page.